Friday, August 10, 2012

I PROMISE!!! 10 Dollar and Under Quick Fix Meals!

I was at the store today, Sam's Club to be exact, and I noticed this young family buying tons of frozen prepared chicken, vegetable trays with ranch, premade burgers, and so on and so on. I was sad to see that. Those foods costed A. more to buy that way then make themselves and B. the nutritional value on a heavy set family is horrific compared to making it at home. Yes, I am old fashioned but I believe a home cooked or even semi-home cooked meal is important to a child's nutrition as well as an adults. There is NOTHING wrong with those foods in moderation but when that encompasses your whole diet, it just seems wrong to me. So with that being said these meals are easy on your wallet and friendly on the belly and waist! Who doesn't want that?

1. Spaghetti with meat sauce, salad and garlic bread
Spaghetti noodles $1
1/2 pound of hamburger $1.50 (brown and mix meat in with marinara)
Marinara Sauce( I use prego) 1.98, Hunts $1 dollar for a large can $2 for homemade
Garlic Bread freezer section $2 or buy fresh bread from bakery and smear butter/margarine and sprinkle with garlic powder or crush a clove of garlic in butter and cook on low to infuse the flavor $2
Salad $1.25 for head lettuce to 1.50 for Walmart store brand salad
TOTAL COST around $ 10 for family of 4-6

2. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup - My family Favorite
Borden Cheese Slices $2
Loaf of Sweetheart Bread $2
2 Large Cans of Tomato Soup $4
Milk $1 ( for the amount you need of course)
TOTAL COST around $9

Mix soup and milk together, butter bread slices and place cheese between the unbuttered sides, brown and serve! Great winter meal. Semi Homemade

3. Chili
4 cans of chili beans 2.70
1 cans Kidney beans drained and rinsed .70
6 cups tomato Juice $1
1 pound Hamburger $3
2 Old El Paso Taco seasonings 1.10
diced onion .40

Brown meat, add in diced onions and 1.5 packets of seasoning, add in 1 cup water and let simmer on low for half an hour, then add in all the beans and the tomato juice let cook in crock pot on low all day or for an hour on the stove. Serve and enjoy!

4. Cheeseburgers with Homemade Fries and Peas
Bag of Frozen Peas $1
Pack of Sweetheart Buns $2
Hamburger $3
Cheese .70
Potatoes $1.00

So mix together cut potato sticks with little oil and salt and pepper... add in other seasonings if you want. Bake in a single layer 400 for 30 minutes, In meantime mix hamburger with an egg yolk and 1T. ketchup and 1T. real mayo...sounds weird just try it...use Miracle Whip if that's what you like.... then patty and grill or pan fry.... Top with cheese when done and place on bun. Remove homemade fries when golden brown and place peas in microwave. Healthy and simple meal for TOTAL COST OF- 7.70 serves 4-6 depending on appetites ( Do sloppy Joes instead of Burgers... can of  Manwich $1 )

5. Oven Baked Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and mixed Veggies
Bag of frozen mixed veggies $1
Chicken $3 for a pound depends on light or dark, light costs more
Potatoes $1
Oven Fry $1.80

Thaw frozen Chicken and cut up into manageable servings 3 ounces I usually do (deck of cards is 3 Ounces) Place oven fry in bowl and dip each piece of chicken in it, place on cookie sheet and bake 15-20 minutes on 400. Boil peeled cubed potatoes until fork tender then drain and add in some warm milk and butter and beat until smooth, place veggies in microwave and cook. Simple and Low fat meal for TOTAL COST OF around $7 for 4-6 people depending on Little's eat more some days than others.

6. Omelets with Hash browns Toast
Eggs $1.30
Loaf of Sweetheart Bread $2

Mix eggs with a little milk and ground pepper and set aside. Grate potatoes and soak then dry off. Place in a hot oiled pan, season with salt and pepper and turn when brown, In meantime make omelets, and toast bread for an easy peasy dinner pleasing meal. TOTAL COST $5.30

7. Chicken Alfredo with Salad
Fettuccine Noodles $1
Classico Garlic Alfredo Sauce $2
Salad 1.50 for store brand blend
Chicken $3

Grill up some seasoned chicken breasts, boil noodles and warm up the sauce. Place sauce over noodles and add in chicken for a one pot meal or serve sauce and chicken over pasta. TOTAL COST $7.50

8. Hard Tacos and Rice
Great Value Spanish Rice .90
1 pound Hamburger $3
Bag of Cheese $2.50
lettuce $1
Hard Taco Shells $1
Salsa $1

Make up some seasoned meat add in shell, top with cheese, lettuce and salsa and serve with some Spanish rice...TOTAL COST $9.40 for 12 tacos and Spanish Rice

9. Grilled Sweet n Sour Chicken over brown Rice and broccoli
Fresh Broccoli 1.50
Frozen Chicken Breast 1.5 pounds $3
LaChoy Sweet n Sour Sauce 1.50
Brown Rice .50

Cook Brown Rice according to directions. Grill up some chicken then cut it up and mix with sweet n sour sauce and top on cooked rice, and serve with broccoli steamed. TOTAL COST around 6.50

10. BBQ Meatballs with Baked Potatoes and Sweet whole Kernel Corn
Bag of frozen corn $1
1 pound ground beef $3
Potatoes $1
1 pack of dry Lipton onion soup .60
BBQ Sauce $1

Mix hamburger with 1/2 of dry bread crumbled to breadcrumbs...(use a knife if all else to cut bread into teeny tiny pieces but make sure its been dried in toaster, oven or something or it gets gummy) then add in 2 eggs , some ketchup, mustard, and pack of onion soup mix. Then once mixed, add in milk around 1/2 cup or less. Form into balls using a tablespoon of meat and bake 400 for 15-20 minutes. Bake clean scrubbed potatoes in oven 350-400 for 1 hour and cook corn in microwave. Sauce meatballs with BBQ sauce and let cook in oven on low, covered until taters are done. Enjoy! TOTAL COST $6.60

So here is 10 meals under 10 bucks! Hope you enjoy and it inspires you to whip up some hearty and healthy meals and saves you money to play with or pay down debt. Thanks Erin<3

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