Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preschool at Home

If your a stay at home mother you know how hard it is to keep your child attentive while why try at home preschool? I decided to cut costs and teach my 4 year old the basics to get into and thrive in kindergarten next year. Online has a plethora of resources to help you help your child become successful little learners. I love the site It is fantastic site and everything I need to get my little one ready for school. They have worksheets you can print for FREE and use, along with other resources and workbooks you can buy for a very low price. There are also other sites online like that have made it their mission to youngsters be ready for school. . I cannot stress to you how important it is for you to try to get your kids ready for kindergarten. Its easier for the school process when you and your child are prepared for the upcoming year. You can spend money to send your kids to preschool, but that can cost in the upwards of hundreds even thousands, depending on where you enroll. Plus the joy your child feels when they have accomplished something is a wonderful shared memory that cannot be bought. It just takes an hour of your time 3-4 days a week. Requires a pencil and paper and some patience and dedication; all very inexpensive things. Give it a try, what are you out? I think you will be pleasantly surprised how fast your little learner picks up everything :)

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