Friday, June 15, 2012

Birthday Time at the Zoo!!!

Birthday Time at the Zoo!!!

This last week was my 4 year old sons' birthday!! It's amazing how they go from infant to a big boy in the blink of an eye. I can't imagine sending him to kindergarten next year... tear tear. Unfortunately that's what kids do, eat sleep and grow! This year my son wanted to go to the Monster Truck show and get a couple Batman figurines. Just like daddy he is into Marvel, DC comics, Transformers, cars and all things boy! But although he is a hardcore boy I sure love our mommy son snuggle time. There definitely a difference in boys from girls. They are just extra special for some reason....maybe because I have a 2 year old girl and a 6 year old girl and having him is a breath of fresh air. Well have a super weekend, enjoy the nice weather and spend that quality time with your babies because before you know it you will be begging them to spend time with you!

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