Sunday, May 6, 2012

You did what?

Okay so if you know me and my relationship with my 7 month old Jack Russell Oreo,you know its a love hate lol... who can out wit who...

Today Oreo decided to get out of the yard by climbing my chainlink fence and with a little effort was able to get over. It was pretty funny to watch him climb the fence quite honestly. Watching him reminded me of those garfields on passenger windows stuck on glass the way he was climbing the fence.

So to keep him in the yard I decided to grease the fence with a large paintbrush and cooking oil...spray probably would have worked but I didn't have any.... you can see his response to what I did below... but an hour later and several failed attempts he has decided to find something else to do and chill out. He eventally found his way out...ugh i hate dogs ....

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